Simple Plus, Inc

Company contact details

501 School St SW


DC 20024

Social media tips for parents

Many parents feel the need to control or even prohibit their kids’ use of social media. By doing this, they are wasting a great opportunity, because if used in the right way such platforms can actually improve the relationship within the family. They are a great way of communicating and can help parents understand the world of their children better. If you’re not sure how to achieve this, don’t worry — visit our website to find helpful tips for parents on social media.

Visit Simple Plus, Inc - parents and social media at

Our services or products include:

  • children and social media
  • children on social media
  • effects of social media on children
  • effects of social media on kids
  • facebook parent child
  • facebook parenting
  • how has media changed over time
  • how has social media changed the way we communicate
Simple Plus, Inc